Delete these statements in your mind

Following are the statements many students make. You may be one of them. But I feel you need to change your thoughts to be successful. Just delete these negative statements from your mind then you will become a great achiever.
  •  "I want to study, But cannot."
  • " I may not be able to pass this examination."
  • " I was born in a poor family."
  • " My parents are not educated."
  • " My stars are not good/favorable."
  • " I get sleep when I open the book."
  • " My teachers are angry with me."
  • " My parents nag me 'study and study' always."
  • " I am losing concentration."
  • " My parents love my sibling more than me."
  • " I studied upto my tenth class in my mother tongue."
  • " Urban students are more intelligent."
  • " There is nobody in my house to guide me."
  • " I couldn't go to any coaching centre."
  • " I lost my father/mother in my childhood."
  • " I could not concentrate as my parents always quarrel."
  • " It's all my fate and bad luck."


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